Juicy Productions Ltd is the fusion of ’s passion for photography, pleasure, her desire to fill the world with sensual, authentic, beautiful images and experiences and her juicy network of creative friends and colleagues. This fresh new company is going to expand Grace's Juicy vision and create a juicier society for all.

Our Story

has a background in photography and over the last few years she has developed a portfolio of erotic work. She has also built a reputation for enhancing the body confidence of the women that she photographs as she has a sensitive and intuitive working style. For more details read a review of one of her shoots by writer Thea Euryphaessa here. 

Grace has a wild imagination and a huge web of creative and inspiring friends, many of whom she collaborates with regularly. Her love of creating gatherings of all shapes and sizes has resulted in the development of her event production services and Juicy Productions specialise in creating events with a beautiful, sensual and playful atmosphere.

At the end of 2012 Juicy Productions Ltd took over the running of The Erotic Awards and The Night of the Senses from Tuppy Owens. Grace met Tuppy whilst researching a documentary about sex and disability and is passionate about the events which have been running for 25 years. It is an integral part of funding for Outsiders, a pioneering charity raising awareness about sex and disability and she couldn't bear to see it end. Grace is working with the fabulous Lianne Coop - an award winning events and comedy producer - on the Erotic Awards and Night of the Senses and they are turning out to be splendid partners in crime. 

Through Juicy Productions, Grace and Lianne are excited to expand the reach and awareness of these unique awards to gain the well deserved resepct and recognition for those working in the world of sexuality and erotica. We believe that society is increasingly open and ready for a deeper and honest celebration of pleasure and sexuality.

Grace and Lianne are pleased to be able to continue to support outsiders and bring a new lease of life to this internationally renowned event, and conjour up others along the way. Watch this space.


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